Meet The Author
Anthony Newcombe, author of Sorry, 50 is NOT the New 30
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Anthony Newcombe is a 4-time entrepreneur, who has launched and grown online platforms in: private aviation, import/export, professional business solutions consulting, and web development & design. In his first foray as an author, Anthony draws from his many life experiences that he believed would resonate with an audience “of a certain age.” This serves as the theme for Sorry 50 is NOT the new 30 …
Anthony obtained a Bachelor of Arts with departmental honors from Stanford University, with an emphasis in Social Psychology. He says he chose to study in this area because of his “incredible curiosity in discovering what makes people tick.” In fact, Anthony’s senior thesis focused on specific behavior perfect strangers exhibit towards one another in a bar or nightclub setting.
Anthony is an avid reader, golfer, and traveler. He has learned through the years the value of cross-training (usually swimming, basketball, hiking, resistance bands, and some light weightlifting). Anthony lives with his wife, Anna, and their two daughters in Los Angeles, California.